Writing this post with no particular intention, with a collection of thoughts from the season and its changes.

I stopped working full time during 2020 and resumed focusing on researching for my project, art and other interests I had neglected while working as a web developer. The specifics are not so important but I found better results than I anticipated, we’re getting ready to move in together and get married.

Lily and I met at a burning man community event in upstate NY, we’re both interested in similar research and we are developing new techniques together. With new confidence and ideas we need a new website and blog where we can start sharing the ideas we have integrated, and start offering our services as we come up with them.

Our goal is to continue growing our queendom, as a form to create an intentional community around the world that encourages members to embrace all their range of emotions in a healthy way, and promote kindness as a way to heal the planet.

Welcome to our journey!

- David HaSheni Hamelech & Queen of the fairies TigerLily